Well, well...
Turns out NCIS' Christmas episode was complete trash. A Christian performing an "honor killing" of his (Marine) Muslim brother, airing just a few weeks after a Muslim member of the U.S. Army gunned down innocent U.S. soldiers and bystanders in the name of his religion.
Yet, NCIS laid on the "Muslims good, Christians bad" rhetoric with a sickening amount of impossibilities. A Christian pastor (with an offshore bank account, no less) pays other Marines to beat up his Muslim son - which the Marines are happy to do because, hey, he's Muslim and they're prejudiced. The Christian wife of the Muslim cheats on him while he's abroad. The Christian brother of the Muslim kills him. Ducky's monologues - usually a high point of the show - are all about how the Christian God and the Muslim god are really the same, and it's such a pity that all Christian soldiers are so bigoted, and the poor Muslims are just so persecuted... A Muslim chaplain was thrown into this episode, explaining in detail how Muslims are entirely peaceful, and hold the same exact principles as the Marines, and that it is the ignorance and hatred so ingrained in the Christians that causes all this strife. Ziva - supposedly an Israeli - sympathizes with the Muslim chaplain, and doesn't ever seem to bring up the fact that Muslims keep attacking Israelis even during ceasefires.
Let's have a little interjection of reality, here. How many Christian "honor killings" have you ever heard of? None? Me, neither. Let's see... what's the most recent event where one soldier killed a fellow soldier on the basis of their religion? Oh, yes, the Fort Hood shooting, where a MUSLIM psychiatrist shot 43 people, killing 13 of them (including a pregnant female officer), after shouting "Allahu Akbar!" ("Allah is the greatest!"). The Muslim reaction to this has been mixed; some have claimed it was wrong because the consequences could be bad. Other Muslim groups rejoiced at the news, saying that more Muslim U.S. soldiers should "follow in [his] footsteps" and that "fighting against the U.S. army is an Islamic duty."
The only logical explanation for NCIS' reversal regarding Muslims is political. Last year, NCIS suddenly reversed their portrayal of Muslims; up until then, Muslims were sometimes innocent and sometimes suicide bombers, just like in real life. Starting last year, Muslims were always innocent, and it was usually the prejudice of non-Muslim soldiers that was the problem. This year, Christians are the suicide bombers and murderers, and Muslims are the innocent pacifists being massacred.
Yeah, right.
It makes me wonder how much money Commie Obama paid to CBS. I can tell you this much, CBS has lost this viewer of NCIS for good. They've lost many others over this episode, too. So, CBS, was selling your soul worth it?
More info: NCIS Goes Pro-Muslim for Their Christmas Show 2009 - Unbelievable! If you want to voice your opinion, here's the CBS contact form.